How to Start an NGO? Well, starting an NGO and helping it grow so that it can be successful and make a huge impact in the world can be a lot of hard work and dedication.
If you are thinking about how to start an NGO in India or in any other country? There are a couple of things that you should do before you get started, that will help you in your journey and make a big impact.
Many times most of us have thought of doing social service for the society to bring big changes to the needy people and within it you must have heard the name NGO.
Right? So today in this blog, we will be going to know about what an NGO is? And how to start an NGO in 2020?
So let's start and first of all know what an NGO is?
What is an NGO?
NGO means (Non-Governmental Organization). This is a structure in which the government has no role.
The purpose of the NGO is associated with the welfare of the society and this institution helps the needy people of the society.
NGO provides many things like education of poor orphans, protection of women, voice for destitute people and many more.
Along with the intention of social reform, a lot of money, hard work and determination are needed to start an NGO.
And this organization does not work like any company that earns profit, Rather, it helps people by arranging money, it tries to provide all the necessary help.
That is, we can say that it is a very responsible job. So let us know that to do this work related to serving the society, that is, which process has to be followed to start an NGO?
So here are 5 easy steps by which you can open an own NGO.
How to Start an NGO?

Step 1: Reason or Mission to Start an NGO?

Why do you want to open an NGO? And which uniforms of the society do you want to help? You have to think about this first.
Do you want to support women's rights? Or want to start an NGO for the good of children? Or is it your mission to save the environment?
After deciding this, you prepare a clear vision of the Purpose, Goals and target group of your NGO mission.
Step 2: Involvement of Board of Directors and Members.

Just as there are members and board of directors to run a company, In the same way, board members and directors are also needed for running the NGO.
The only difference is that the board of a company has members thinking about profit. Whereas on the board of the NGO, members and directors have a sense of charity and want to work for the good of society.
Any number of maximum people can join this board, but it is necessary to have at least a minimum of 7 people.
Apart from this, to open an NGO, it is also necessary to seek the help of people who understand the financial, advisor, technicians and legal processors.
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Step 3: Decide the Name of the NGO.

That is, just as the name of any organization is very important, in the same way, it is very important to decide the name of the NGO.
And it would be great if the name is short and impressive. If you see a glimpse of your passion and intention in the name of your NGO, then it would be very great.
That is, your vision and your motive should be understood by the name of your NGO.
And If we talk about some popular and famous NGOs name of India, then Goonj, Childline, Mahila Dakshata Samiti, Saath, Bhumi, Gram Vikas Trust, Mission Smile, Sapna and Protsahan are among them.
But while naming the NGO, keep in mind that this name should not be the same as the name of any board of the government, a registered company, or any of the other NGO.
Step 4: Registering NGO

To start an NGO in India, You need a Trust Deed, Memorandum of Association or a rules and regulations. Which includes your NGO name, address and mission objectives.
So in order to register an NGO in India, any one of these acts has to be followed.
How to start an NGO by Registering with this Act?
1. Trust Act.
In India in different states there are Trust Acts. And in case if there is no such Trust Act in some states then the 1882 Trust Act is implemented.
And according to this act, it is necessary to have at least 2 members for NGO registration.
2. Society Act.
A Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations document is required to register the NGO under this Act.
And this document is made only when there are 7 members at least.
3. Companies Act.
In order to register an NGO as a company, then the registration is done under this act.
This requires a Memorandum & Articles of Association and Regulation document. If the help of legal consultancy is taken, then the registration process can be completed easily.
Step 5: Fundraising For NGOs.

Fundraising will take your NGO to a new peak. After registering the NGO, the fund is required to run this NGO. For this, you can create a website of an NGO and can add a donation account in it.
By doing this, the NGO will also get promoted and the donation amount will also come directly to the accounts of the NGO.
Government help can also be taken to collect funds for the NGO. But for this, you have to follow some rules and regulations.
Apart from this, funds can also be collected from private organizations and foreign sources. For this it is necessary that your network is very good and you are able to promote your NGO at every level.
And you can also take help from media houses for promotion of NGO. Apart you should also have a good knowledge of legal formalities.
So after registering an NGO and collecting funds for that, finally you can start your NGO through which you can help such a body of society which is in great need of help.
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How to start an NGO? Wrap up.
You may not get much help in the beginning to run your NGO, but you should keep trying and very soon many people will start joining you and will also be able to expand the scope of your NGO. So that more and more people can get help.
And you know what is the best thing in this work? Here your intension should be of service to people.
I know You may not get results in the beginning and you will get upset. But Believe me, you will have to have patience, you will have to keep the patience for the Intention or vision whatever your plan is.
Because you are going to do such a big job, it is not a small thing. Everyone does it for themselves, but it is a big thing to do for others.
And there is a law of the Universe that Whatever you give, whatever you are working on, you will get a very big return of it very soon.
That is, you will definitely get the return that you are giving. The love you are giving through your NGOs will all pay you off.
But in this journey, you should always hold the hand of patience, keep your journey continuing, because it is a very big decision that you have ever taken.
So if you want to help others or want to do social service by any means, then opening an own NGO will be a big opportunity for you.
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