Today we have brought for you an amazing information, which is for those people who have the desire to fly in the sky. Cause today we are going to discuss How to become a pilot in India?
Nowadays young people want to do jobs in great professions, and with that, they also want to make the future of the country with them.
Whenever a person completes his studies, he definitely dreams of becoming something in his life such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, chartered accountants, etc.
Apart from these, there is another profession for which very few people think and achieve success in it. That is going to this profession is like fulfilling your dream, Yes, I’m talking about the profession in Pilot.
Pilot is a profession that is full of money as well as adventure. If you too have an interest in becoming a pilot, or you have a dream to fly an airplane in the sky, then you can make a career in this field.
In today's blog, I’m going to give you all the information related to How to become a pilot in India? What is the job of a pilot and what are the criteria, qualifications & courses to become a pilot?
And how much does it cost to become a pilot in India? We will discuss all these things in this blog, So definitely read it till the end.
So first we will know who is the pilot and what they do?
Who Is The Pilot?
A pilot is a person through whom an aeroplane or helicopter is propelled. The aircraft consists of non-assistive pilots along with the chief pilot who assist in operating the aircraft.
This work is of utmost responsibility in which the pilot has to take care of the safety of the passengers along with their crew members. That is why a pilot must be mentally and physically healthy.
There are two types of pilots in India, the first is civil aviation in which a commercial pilot can be made.
And the second one is the Indian Defense Air Force in which one has to enroll in the Air Force to become a pilot and that pilot works for the Indian Army.
But in this blog, We are giving information related to Airline Pilots I.e Commercial Pilot.
How to Become a Commercial Pilot in India
An airline pilot or commercial pilot is one who flies a particular plan for a government or non-government aviation or airline company.
One who carries the ride or luggage from one country to another such as Air India, IndiGo, Indian Airlines, and many other airline companies.
The pilots who run these aircraft are all commercial pilots. And for this, the pilot gets a commercial pilot license from the Indian authorities.
When a commercial pilot is on the plane, he is responsible for the lives of hundreds of people. His job is to get those people from one place to another quickly and safely.
In addition, the pilot also has a lot of other duties which he needs to follow. For a pilot, it is very important to control his mind and his emotions. And It is also important for a pilot to be able to decide on his own in any emergency.
Let us know what are the eligibility criteria to become a pilot in India.
Also Read:-
Eligibility To Become a Pilot in India.

Eligibility To Become a Pilot in India.
To become a better pilot one has to work very hard which can take your future to a new peak.
To make your career in the aviation field, your minimum qualification should be to pass the class XII with 50% marks in Science subject, it is important to have the subject of Physics Chemistry and Maths.
And a person should be a citizen of India and his height should also be very good.
To become a pilot, also keep in mind that you should be physically and mentally fit, your vision should be perfect.
Apart from all this, the most important thing is that the candidate should know English language very well.
Because many times the pilot also has to go abroad and to speak and understand the English language of the airline control.
If you do not know English, then you can learn English by doing a separate English coaching class.
Entrance Exam's For Getting a License.
As soon as you pass the twelfth, after that you have to apply for (SPL) Student Pilot License, (PPL) Private Pilot License and (CPL) commercial pilot license to become a pilot in India.
You can be eligible for a (SPL) license only if you are 16 years old and necessary to have 17 years age for (PPL) license and 18 years for (CPL) license.
For all these licenses, you have to give the exam which is conducted by the DGCA i.e (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) in which written tests, medical tests and interviews are conducted in these exams.
Questions related to Maths, Chemistry and Physics are asked in the Written Test. Also, there are some reasoning questions and questions related to meteorology, air navigation, airplanes are also asked.
You have to score at least 70% marks to pass in the written exam and medical test. If you are not able to clear the exam once, then you can apply for the exam again.
And now we will know what are the exams to be cleared in order to get a license to become a pilot in India.
How To Get a License to Become a Pilot in India?
To become a pilot in India, you have to give some exams so that you can get licenses to fly aircraft. Here, the (DGCA) conducts exams and grants licenses to the candidates.
After completing 12th, the first thing to do in order to enter the field of pilot is to get admission in a flying school or academy accredited by the DGCA.
Where you have to enroll in BSc in aviation, you are taught many subjects such as related to Air regulation, Aviation metrology, Air navigation and air technical.
Every month, the candidates have to undergo training, exams and medical tests. After passing all these, you are eligible for the SPL exam.
To get a SPL License, an entrance exam has to be given, in which an oral test is taken by the Chief Instructor of the school or the representative of the DGCA.
After passing this exam, the license of SPL is given. After getting the SPL license, flying training starts with the flight instructor of the candidate.
In which you are given training to fly the aircraft. Many times a plane has to be flown alone without the trainer.
The process of flying an aircraft is 60 hours, this process has to be completed in a few days, not in a single day.
In these 60 hours of flying training, at least 20 hours of solo plane is to be flown.
After this, (PPL) exam has to be given. After passing the PPL exam, a PPL license is granted & after obtaining the license of SPL and PPL, finally a commercial pilot license (CPL) is required.
How To Get a CPL License?
Candidates can get CPL only when they are able to complete at least 250 hours of flying training while doing their pilot's course.
To get a CPL license, you have to clear one exam and the candidate also has to undergo a medical test.
Certificate of Medical Fitness is to be obtained from Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME), New Delhi and Institute of Aviation Medicine Bangalore. Only then you get the CPL license to become a commercial pilot.
And now we will know where to take admissions to become a pilot in India.
Also Read:-
Flying Training Schools to Become a Pilot in India.
Becoming a pilot is the dream of most of the youth. Which requires a lot of hard work with dedication & also the passion to fly the plane is needed only then you can become a good pilot.
To become a pilot in India, it is necessary to take admission and complete the course, for this you should take a pilot course only from a better institute.
There are many academies in India that offer pilot training & training courses. But keep in mind that any flying academy you are taking admission in should be recognized by the DGCA.
So let's also know the names of those institutes where you can fulfill your dream of becoming a pilot,
Top Flying Training Schools In India.
There is all this academy in India, where you can become a pilot by taking the admission.
Now here comes the question? How much does it cost to become a pilot in India? So let us tell you that it costs a lot to complete a pilot's education, it costs at least 20 to 25 lakh rupees.
After completing the pilot, you can work as a commercial pilot or private pilot. If we talk about the salary of a commercial pilot, then it is much more.
After becoming a pilot, commercial airlines pay a salary of Rs 1.5 lakh per month. And after having experience in this field, your salary can increase upto 3 to 5 lakh rupees.
So friends, I hope you liked this blog and you must have understood how to become a pilot in India and which license you need for this.
If you also want to become a pilot, you can fulfill your dream of flying by taking admission in Flying Academy's mentioned in this blog.
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Take Care.
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