If you want to become a product manager then one of the best ways to start your career in the field is by becoming an Associate product manager (APM).
In this article, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about the Associate product manager role and their responsibilities.
Before getting into the Role and responsibilities let us first understand what product management means?
Product Management.
Product management is an organizational body within the company which deals with developing a whole new product or adding new features to the existing product, pricing the product, launching the product, and marketing the product at all the stages of the product life cycle.
Associate Product Manager Role in the Organizations:

The main role of associate product manager is to work with one or more product managers and help them to do their work more effectively.
One product manager can have multiple associate product managers working under him/her.
The role of the product manager is to develop the whole product, while in the case of associate product manager they have to develop certain parts of the product.
The associate product manager does each and everything which the product manager does.
What associate product managers do? If say in one line, the responsibilities include collecting product data through market research, collecting product requirements & aligning them with business goals, developing new features of the product, work on creating product strategies, etc.
In some organizations, the associate product manager has a separate team that is managed by them.
While in some organizations there are no dedicated teams for associate product managers, they have to communicate to the team through their product managers.
To understand the role of associate product manager more deeply through the example, consider a company that is going to create a social media platform.
Now for this project, they will appoint one product manager who will manage the development of the complete platform.
Then this product manager will assign certain features of the social media platform which has to be developed to the associate product managers working under him.
If you understand the role of the associate product manager in an organization, let us try to answer why do organizations hire associate product managers?
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Why do Organizations Hire Associate Product Managers?
Some of the organizations focus on acquiring talent at the early stage since acquiring the experience and qualified product manager is difficult.
They hire the associate product manager to acquire the best talent and then train them into the future product manager they need.
While some other organizations feel that there is too much load of work on the product manager which is affecting the organization.
So because hiring another product manager might be more expensive so they hire associate product managers.
Note:- All organizations do not have an associate product manager’s post.
Required Skillset an Associate Product Manager Should Possess:

The following are some skills and qualities that one should possess in order to acquire the post of Associate product manager.
● Communication Skills:
The role of associate product manager is to manage the entire product management team, therefore an associate product manager should possess good communication skills.
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● Time Management Skills:
An associate product manager has to manage lots of work and have time bond targets to achieve, so it is important for an associate product manager to have good time management skills.
The associate product manager also has to manage the time of his/her team members in order to achieve the targets.
● Analytical Skills:
The role of associate product managers also involves conducting market research and based on this research he/she has to figure out new product ideas, features, and some other ways to improve the overall user experience of existing products.
An associate product manager also has to do different tests to figure out which product best fits in the particular market.
In order to do all these things effectively, one should possess good analytical skills.
● Decision-Making Skills:
One who have associate product manager position should have good decision-making skills because he/she has to manage different events like product launches and also have to resolve the daily conflicts that arise in his/her team.
Therefore an associate product manager should be able to make difficult decisions quickly.
Salary an Associate Product Manager can Expect?
The salary offered to an associate product manager depends completely upon the organization. There are no particular standards for the salary of an associate product manager.
If the organization is new like startups then they give lower salary but higher equity and if the organization is mature or enterprises level organization give higher salary but lower equity.
My suggestion was, one should try to get a job as an associate product manager in the new organization even if the salary is less because you will gain lots of experience working in the new organization.
When Should an Associate Product Manager Expect a Promotion?
This is a very difficult question to answer because it depends on various factors.
Some organizations promote associate product managers to product managers based on tenure, e.g. after 2 years or after 3 years.
While some organizations promote based on the performance of associate product managers. If you perform well then there are chances that you will get promoted within a year.
Top Associate Product Manager Programs are:
- Google Associate product manager program.
- Facebook Rotational product manager program.
- Uber Associate product manager program.
- Twitter Associate product manager program.
- Yahoo Associate product manager program.
- Dropbox rotation program.
- LinkedIn Strategy and analytics rotational program.
- Workday Associate product manager program.
- Toronto Associate product manager program.
Associate Product Manager, Wrap Up!
If you want to make a career in product management and want to become a product manager then the best route to start your career is by becoming an associate product manager.
If you want to get some extra edge over the other candidates then you should take a course in product management, it will also help you to get a higher salary.
I hope you have got all the related information regarding the associate product manager role and how to become an associate product manager?
If you have any queries regarding the topic feel free to comment below we will try to answer them as soon as possible.
FAQs Regarding Associate Product Manager.
In India, an associate product manager earns an average annual pay of 5,88,830 rupees.
Several firms have associate product manager programs, and they will hire people with no experience right out of college. They're usually seeking someone with a background in computer science. People who have been working for a while may choose to earn an MBA and then work in product management.
For creative minds that wish to play a significant role in the development of new consumer items, business innovations, software platforms, and anything else that people use every day, an associate product manager may be an immensely rewarding and fascinating career path.
To be an excellent associate product manager, you don't need a technical background. In reality, unless you have a very technical product utilized by a highly technical consumer, being technically proficient can make you a WORSE associate product manager.
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