After doing an every day's job, we all get some free time which we want to utilize that time on work that brings us an extra income. And many of us once thought about doing part-time jobs at that moment. So in this article, we are going to talk about the top online part-time jobs from home in 2021.
Working online part-time and earning money is the dream of every Indian citizen. In today’s advanced technology you can get everything you wanted. You can study through the internet, you can do shopping on the internet, you can brand yourself through social media.
In the same manner, you can find many online part-time jobs from home on the internet and can work there using your free time and can generate an extra income.
Now, the question may arise: How can one find online part-time jobs from home on the internet?
So in this blog, We will talk about various online part-time jobs that are available on the internet today which can be done from home.
In this blog, I have divided the whole thing into three sections and they are:
- How can one professional worker can do online part-time jobs from home?
- How can a student do part-time jobs from home?
- And how housewives can do part-time jobs at home?
In all this, I have explained a different kind of online part-time jobs from home that are available for working professionals, students, and housewives.
So let's see each section one by one.
How can a Working Professional Do Online Part-Time Jobs from Home?
As a working professional, who does jobs of 9-5 daily is always thinking of the extra time to work so that they can generate a secondary source of income.
By generating an extra source of income they can use it for daily expenditures like buying groceries, traveling and help them to save their primary income sources.
So let see some online part-time jobs that can be done from homes and can help to build extra sources of income.
1. Freelancing
Freelancing is work that can be done anytime and anywhere. A lot of professional workers already know about freelancing.
Well, freelancing is like giving 2-3 hours of your time can make you earn a handsome amount of money.
Freelancing may be available in the various fields from non-technical jobs like copying, pasting and typing, to technical jobs like app developing, website developing and software testing, etc.
You just need to have some basic skills and experience for doing such an interesting freelancing job and after you can start working as a freelancer and can make a good amount.
There are various freelancing website like
- Freelancer
- Upwork
- Fiver
- PeoplePerHour
- Toptal, And many more.
Here you just need to build a profile on this site and bid for the works.
It will be better if you start freelancing in the same field or category in which you work as a profession. So that your profile should look more authentic and genuine and clients can trust you.
As you know work experience plays an important role in any kind of job. A client will prefer people who already have experience in those works.
Hence a lot of clients will attract you from the beginning only and you can get your first paying clients very instantly.
If you work for 3-4 hours in freelancing every day, the estimated amount you earn is 2000₹ to 4000₹. But this all depends on which type of work you do. If it is a technical job then it might give you a high income.
Here we've made it easy for you guys to understand in this blog - "How To Become a Freelancer in India? A Comprehensive Guide."
2. Transcription
Transcription is a job where you earn money by converting audio into written text.
For this kind of part-time work, you need to have good listening skills and along with this, one must have good typing speed.
The good you listen and the faster you type, the more money you can earn through Transcription.
Websites like:
First, you need to register yourself on this website and after that, you have to give some answers to the quizzes they ask. In which they test your listening and typing skills thoroughly.
Once they think you are perfect in their criteria they will approve you on the spot. After, You just need to choose your favorite transcription works from the dashboard and can start working as a Transcriber.
After completing the given task you will get paid through Paypal or Paytm or any other UPI ways.
For every one hour of audio conversion, you can get around 1500₹ to 2500₹ approx. But it depends on the platform you are working on, some sites may pay higher than this and some pay less than this.
Just go through this blog you will get to know more in detail about how to earn money through transcription - a beginner's guide.
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3. Online Translator
A Translator is a person who translates a set of information from one to another language without changing the meaning of a sentence.
In an online translator part-time job you get a set of written information from one language and have to transfer information into the desired language without changing the meaning.
The required skill for this work is you need to have a good command of the grammar of both languages. The one you translate and vice-versa.
The website that are genuine for working as a translator and are authentic which pay you a good amount are:
- TranslatorsCafe
Apart from this, you can get translation jobs on various freelancing sites also.
Just like transcription jobs, in the same way, this job also requires you first to get signed up with the site before working.
After, you need to give a test regarding translation, and then their staff will give a review based on that. They will decide whether or not to hire you?
If you are selected you will get access to the get-go. After that, you need to choose the jobs that are present on the website and get started earning.
In India English to Hindi & Hindi to English translation is in demand where you can earn around ₹1000 to ₹2000 every hour.
4. Resume Writing
These kinds of jobs are quite popular among the working professionals where you have written a resume for someone and then get paid for the work.
As a professional worker, you would have already gone through these phases where you have to make a resume. Therefore it would be very easy for you to build a good resume.
There are various freelancing sites present on the internet today where you get paid for writing a resume also. On these sites, a lot of clients are present who hire you for writing a resume on behalf of them.
If you have written a good description about yourself and can present some sample of resume to the client you can get hired from day one.
You can also use social media platforms to market your resume writing skills where you can post various examples of resumes on your social media platform.
For creating a single resume you would pay between ₹500 - ₹1000 and once you get mastered here, you can earn more in this field.
For these jobs, you have only required one to two hours a day.
5. Ghostwriter
A ghostwriter is a person who writes an article or blog for someone without taking credit but gets paid for that works.
There are a lot of bloggers who hire people for writing blogs on behalf of them and pay for that.
Content writing is not a hard task for a professional worker. You can start ghostwriting in the field in which you are already working on, as you must already know a lot about your field.
You just need to have a good command of English grammar and writing skills.
But if your English not at par at a professional level you can use the Grammarly extension in chrome which will make your content look more professional.
These are the online platforms where you can do Ghostwriting:
- Hirewrite
- Toptal
- Writology
- Blogmutt
Apart from this, you can approach various blogging sites that accept guest posting and would get paid for that article.
For guest posting, you first need your own blogging site. Will discuss more on blogging further, in the end, the part where you will get a clear-cut idea.
The amount of money a ghostwriter earns on each post is around ₹1000 to ₹3500, and it depends on how long your article is?
Now let see the second section of this blog (Mainly for Students).
How Can Students Do Online Part-Time Jobs from Home?
As a student, you may get spare time after your college hours and daily studies.
In that spare time, a lot of students use social media like Instagram, Facebook and also play video games which are good for entertainment purposes.
But what if I tell you that you can use these social media platforms for your earning purposes? Well, let’s dig into this.
1. Start a YouTube Channel.
I am pretty sure that everyone knows about YouTube, and a lot of you would watch YouTube videos daily.
Then you may also know that a lot of YouTubers earn good money from it and choose YouTube as their full-time career.
Having such a good advantage why not start a YouTube channel?
Like you, lots of YouTubers start their YouTube journey from their college life onward and a lot of them are now earning 7 figures of money through it.
You can start a YouTube channel on any topics in which you feel comfortable. If you love to play video games you can start a gaming channel.
If you love technical stuff you can start a technical channel and if you love traveling you can start a vlog channel and just like it many channels can form on various topics
The main skill that is required is a video editing and creating good content, just knowing about these two things you can start a youTube channel.
After gaining the required amount of subscribers and views you can monetize your channel and start earning.
In the beginning, you just need to give your 2-3 hours on YouTube and be patient.
Making videos with this tool make your work more productivity.
2. Social Media Influencer
Social media is not the only platform where you can upload posts, getting some likes, but it is more than that.
To start earning you need to first select perfect niches. Niches that are trending like memes, fitness, sport pages, etc.
After creating pages you need to upload a post in a consistent manner. This will help you to gain followers and make your page grow in trending.
After reaching a good amount of followers you can start earning. This earning can be done in two ways one way is promoting someone’s brand from your pages or doing affiliate marketing.
A lot of companies would approach you for promoting their product on your page and will pay for you.
Just like Youtube, you should have patience in the beginning and after some specific follower gain, you can earn your wish.
3. Social Media Manager
If you are a person who spends a lot of time on social media and knows all the features of the platform then becoming a social media manager is the best option for doing a part-time job.
Usually, a lot of students spend a large amount of time on social media so it becomes a perfect job for them.
For doing this job you need to be certified in one of these, business management, marketing, media, and digital marketing.
If you are not certified in any of the programs mentioned above then you need to handle some small company social media because usually, they will see your skill rather than your degree.
Once you get to experience by working in these companies you can approach a higher company for earning a big amount and here your experience will play a good role.
For handling social media pages you require long hours from your side that are not continuous obviously.
Social media managers create and maintain company information, brand promotions, and marketing campaigns for their company across several different social media networks.
4. Copy & Paste
The copy-pasting part-time job is the easiest job which requires no skill. In this job, you are provided set written data in pdf form which need to transfer in word or excel file.
A basic understanding of the word and excel sheet must be required for this job.
There are various sites on the internet that provides these jobs are:
- Upwork
- Fiver
- Freelancer
- Guru
You just need to make an account on this site and can start working by selecting the perfect job available on these sites.
An average copy-pasting job pays you around ₹1000 for hours.
5. Earning Through Survey
Do you know you can also earn through giving surveys?
Well, rather than surfing on the internet a student can make money by just giving a survey as well.
There is a website that conducts surveys for the company and asks people to give the survey and in return, they pay people for giving the survey.
The website which conduct surveys are:
- Toluna
- Swagbucks
- LifePoint
- Opinion poll
You need to register there and start giving the given surveys from the dashboard and can start earning from it.
Though, the amount that these sites pay you is very less like ₹20 - ₹50 on per survey, but this differs from site to site.
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How can Housewives do Online Part-Time Jobs from Home?
Many women after marriage and having a child have to leave their jobs to look after their family and children. In India, there are very few housewives who have jobs due to a shortage of education.
Though, after their daily household work, there are some times left with them, and think to utilize that time to earn some money to support their family in financial ways.
Lots of Indian housewives know various kinds of artworks like making couple gates, Sweater and cooking food. So by using these works they can earn good money from the internet.
To know how one can earn money through this work? Let’s dive into this.
1. Start YouTube Channel
Just like we talked about in the student section, a housewife can also start their youtube channel. The content like cooking food, making artwork, making designing dresses are all booming topics.
People literally love to watch these types of content today on youtube.
For Indian housewives cooking food is a daily work and due to which they know the various delicious recipes of food. So they can use this art of cooking as content for their channel.
Also, artworks like making a sweater, couple gate, and designful mate can be an excellent topic for their Youtube Channel.
You just have to record the video, explain everything in detail and then edit that video to look more significant and upload it on youtube, that’s it.
You may get trouble obsessing while editing videos, but you can learn it from youtube videos, it is not rocket science to understand, basic editing is also fine.
It is also not time-consuming for you. It can be done in 1-2 hours only, and if your content is regarding cooking then It can be done in your household time.
After getting a specific number of subscribers and views you can get the approval of google ads from which you can start earning.
2. Sell the Hand-Made Artwork
As I had mentioned earlier that you can earn money through artwork by making videos and uploading them on youtube.
In the same manner, you can earn money by selling the artwork and here youtube can be used as a platform for this.
A lot of people don't have much time to make their own piece of art or can’t get the required items at the moment.
So they may think why not buy this artwork directly through a seller like you. So for these types of customers, you can sell this artwork online.
For taking orders of this you can use the WhatsApp business feature and for delivery of artwork, you can use various delivery sites like Shiprocket.
Along with this, you can add your product on Amazon or Flipkart so you don't have to get much tense for organizing orders and delivering items.
You just need to register there as an Amazon merchant and then put your product site address on the youtube description from where interested people can buy it directly.
Also, through Amazon and Flipkart a lot of people can place the order as it acts as a marketing site also.
As I earlier mentioned that this work does not take a lot of time you can do this in your free time.
3. Earning Through Watching Ads
Do you know that you can earn money by watching ads? Yes, you have heard right. Money can be earned by watching ads also.
These jobs do not require any skill, even illiterate housewives can also do this work by just having a basic knowledge of the internet.
There are various websites present on the internet today which pay you for just watching their ads. Even they will show ads which you like the most.
The authentic and genuine sites are:
- Swagbucks
- Ysense
- Adfun
- Inboxdollar
The expected amount which pays you for watching ads should be between ₹300 to ₹1500.
This earning amount is only from one site, if you see ads on multiple sites then it would reach more.
The ads that are shown on this site are less than 3 minutes. So watching ads does not take your lot of time. Only by spending some hours, you can earn a handsome amount.
4. Data Entry and Form-filling
The data entry and form filling is a job where you get a set of written text information which you have to convert into the desired manner in which the company wants it.
This data may come in word file form or pdf or handwritten or sometimes it may be audio also. So your jobs are to convert the data entered into the format that the company wants.
The online platform which provides this kind of jobs are
- Dataplus
- DionData Solutions
- ClickWorker
- Scribe
Apart from this data entry jobs can also be found on various freelancing sites.
The data entry jobs pay you in the range of ₹300 to ₹1500 per hour. As it is quite simple jobs a housewife can do this online part-time work very easily.
5. Online Tutor
The education system is going into revolution time, now physical classroom learning is moving into the online classroom.
The students also enjoy this way of learning as they do not have to go anywhere from their homes.
So if you are a lady who is interested in teaching and have done your graduation or study till 12th. Then there is an opportunity for you to become an online tutor.
Due to this advancement, the various platforms are turning their teaching method online and are looking for an online tutor.
You can approach this platform for having your interview and once you get selected you can start teaching. A site like Unacademy, Vedantu, etc provides this kind of job.
The salary depends on which age group you are teaching. If you are teaching to a small age your income obviously will below and if you are teaching higher standard your income would be high.
For this, you do not have to take a whole day session. A 3-4 hour online session is ok for earning a good amount of money.
Online Part-Time Jobs from Home with Blogging.
So these are the three sections of the blog where we learned how a professional worker, a student, and a housewife can do part-time jobs from home.
Let’s discuss online part-time jobs from home where you may require some amount of investment but get a good return in terms of money and that is nothing but blogging.
Blogging is the one and the only job where you work as a part-time but can earn like a full-time worker.
As I earlier mentioned it requires some amount of investment in buying a domain and hosting for your blogging site. These two things are the basis for earning money through blogging.
Running a blog site and publishing written content is not a very hard task, anyone can start blogging no matter whether you are working as a professional or a student or a housewife or even if you are a retired person.
The only thing required is to have a good command of the language in which you will write a blog and be consistent in publishing blogs.
You also need to be patient because you will not start earning from day one it will take some time.
We have made two detailed blogs for you guys for a better understanding of how to become a blogger and make your first professional website and why blogging is important for a business? Just go through this once.
Online Part-Time Jobs from Home. Wrap Up!
In this blog, we have explained how a student, working professionals, and housewives can do online part-time jobs from home.
I have also mentioned various websites using which you can start doing online part-time jobs from home.
Apart from the mentioned website, there are various other websites present on the internet where you can do online part-time work.
You also need to be aware of various fraud websites where they may ask you for depositing money before working, but it is not so.
You need to be aware of this site before registering yourself there.
At last, I have explained about blogging where you are required to buy domain and hosting. In this also you need to be aware of fraud sites who sell domain and hosting in less amount.
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