How to study for long hours? This is a common doubt for all of us. Every student wants to know the answer to these questions.
Everyone wants to study for long hours but gets distracted somehow while studying.
Our minds keep roaming from one thing to another thing except for study. So in this blog, I will reveal some basic things which will help you to study for a long hour. So let's begin.
How to Study for Long Hours by Applying these 10 Proven Tips.

1. Exercise for 8 minutes Before Starting.
Before starting studying you should do some exercise. The simple exercise that you can perform is to sit on the floor and start to breathe in and breathe out.
By doing these exercises your mind will relax and will improve your concentration power.
Always before starting studying you should do these exercises for 8-10 minutes.
2. Keep Your Phone and Laptop away from You.
While studying you should keep your mobile phone and laptop off because in today's time the mobile is becoming more important for us than anything.
As soon as some message pops up on your phone you become curious about what happens and your mind gets diverted from studying.
So while studying you should switch off your mobile phone or keep in silent mode.
3. Choose a Perfect Spot for Studying.
Choose a place in your home that is less noisy than other parts of your house.
A silent environment is very important for studying. It keeps you away from distractions.
If possible be in contact with sunlight, by saying this it doesn't mean that you should directly go and sit under sunlight.
It simply means you should be at such a place where sunlight can be seen and if it can't possibly be at a place where there is no dim light.
If you have a chair table then it is good for you but if not so you should sit down on the floor of your house.
Avoid bed for study because bed becomes too comfortable and studying in bed can make you feel sleepy. Hence avoid bed for studying.
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4. Make a Schedule.
For studying long hours you should prepare a schedule because as all of you know before starting anything everyone plans for it.
Let's take the example that you are going for a trip so before going there you always make a set of plans.
In the same manner, you should always make a schedule and plan your study according to it.
5. Make the set of Priorities.
After making a schedule you set priorities for which chapter you should learn.
Always start the things from easy topics because if you start with the hard topics first there is a probability that you might end up getting things difficult to understand.
And it also makes you bored. But if you start with easy topics you will find things easier and it will make things interesting to you.
And as you start from the easiest topic your basics will clear and harder topics will also become easier for you.
How to Study for Long Hours?
6. Take a Break.
Taking a break is a very essential step for a learner.
While you have studied continuously for 1 hour. You should take a break for 10 minutes.
In that break move from the studied place and walk outside from your house by doing these you will get relaxed and will feel refreshed.
7. Get a Balance Diet.
If you are planning to study for long hours, studying in that case, taking a properly balanced diet will be very important.
Because everyone knows that food gives us energy. So we should eat more food.
But this doesn't mean that we should eat anything. We should avoid junk food, fast food, cold drinks, and ice cream, etc.
which is not nutritious. Take a portion of food which gives a proper vitamin, protein and nutritious.
You should not eat large amounts of food at once rather than take a small amount of meal at 6-7 times a day.
8. Keep Drinking Water
One of the most important things that tend to be forgotten by us while studying is drinking water while studying.
While studying keep a bottle of water with you and keep drinking water in regular intervals of 1 hour.
By drinking water not only makes you hydrated but also boosts your memory.
Doing these make our brain hydrated which improves our concentration power.
According to the study it is found that a person who drinks water at a regular interval of time can improve your concentration power by more than 5%.
This is because your brain cells are mostly made of water molecules.
So keeping your body hydrated will automatically make your brain work faster.
9. Get a Proper Sleep.
A night of proper sleep is very important for students. A student who does not get proper sleep feels lonely and tired many times.
Insufficient sleep can increase negative thoughts and sometimes it can create suicidal feelings.
For all these things not happening to you, a good sleep must be taken.
Generally, 7 hours of sleep is more than enough for a student who is planning for a long hour of study.
But also you must make regularity on these. You should make a proper schedule of it and follow it.
10. Keep Motivating Yourself & Never Give Up.
During the study, there can be many difficulties that can come and at some instance of time you may think about giving up and it is quite natural for all.
Because studying for long hours can create anxiety. But giving up is not the path that you should follow.
Always remember that difficulties are part and parcel of life. Therefore running away from it is not the choice rather than be brave to face it.
You should avoid these situations by motivating yourself to study.
This can be done by simply writing your goal on the page and placing it in such a place that it will always be visible to you.
You can also put the motivating quotes in front of the study place.
This will make you always motivated and always make you remember about future goals.
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11. Use of the Internet in Study.
The Internet is the source where you can get any information that you want.
For a student, the internet can well act as a teacher where you can get set for information that you want.
The only condition is that you should use it properly.
How to Study for Long Hours? – Wrap Up.
The points I mentioned above will add more hours in your study than your usual hours.
One thing that is more effective that whenever waking in the morning, stand in front of the mirror and say the goal that you want to achieve simultaneously.
Minimum 15 times if you always do these things you will never get a feeling of giving up anyway.
Hope this blog has helped and explained to you well about How to Study for long hours.
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Author Bio
Hariom Yadav:-
One of our excellent writer of Growwpedia. He loves to write articles on various topics around education, career and jobs. His background is from science and he is currently pursuing in Internet of Things(IOT). Also he is SEAL Certified in Digital Marketing and Finance.
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