How to Become a Loco Pilot? We just want a job in life that can get a good salary and life can be settled easily. For this, some people like to work in private firms and some people start their own business.
while a lot of people prepare for a government job so that they can get a government job. But for this, a lot has to be done.
The exam has to be contested and only after being selected your favorite government job comes in your hands.
Well, Today in this blog we are going to discuss about the highly recommended and all time demanded job, Yes, I'm talking about Loco Pilot, i.e. How to become a Loco Pilot in India.
Perhaps, you may know the meaning of loco pilot and if you do not know, then in this blog I’m going to tell you all the important things related to becoming a loco pilot.
So let's start and first of all know what a loco pilot is?
What is Loco Pilot?

Loco means the engine of the rail and the pilot is the driver who drives the train. That is, loco pilot is another name of the driver of the train. And in Indian Railways, the driver of the rail is called as Loco Pilot.
We came to know the meaning of Loco Pilot, but now it is important to know whether there is direct recruitment on the post of Loco Pilot or not.
So, Let us know!
If you think of reaching the direct loco pilot post in Indian Railways then this cannot happen.
Because, the post of Loco Pilot is a promotional post which Assistant Loco Pilot gets only after an experience.
That is, if you want to become a loco pilot, then first you must have reached the position of Assistant Loco Pilot, for which you have to clear the competitive exam.
And after being an Assistant Loco Pilot, you will be promoted later on the post of Senior Assistant Loco Pilot.
And after that the senior assistant pilot gets promoted at the level of the loco pilot.
After staying at the loco pilot's post for a certain time and taking the experience, one gets promoted to the post of a power controller, crew controller, loco fireman or loco supervisor.
So in this way the journey from Assistant Loco Pilot to Loco Pilot is decided and many promotions come ahead of it.
So now after understanding this process, now let's understand what is an Assistant Loco Pilot? And what work does it have to do?
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What is Assistant Loco Pilot?
So the posting of Assistant Loco Pilot is often done under (Group C) and the post of Assistant loco pilot i.e. (ALP) in railways is very important.
Because the Assistant Pilot helps the Loco Pilot i.e. Train Driver to handle all the operations related to running the train correctly.
The Assistant Pilot is responsible for sending signals and keeps an eye on the functioning of the Loco i.e engine.
With this, what challenges do assistant loco pilots have to face? If we talk about them, then, Assistant Pilot's job is very challenging.
Because Assistant Pilot has to work more than duty time. And this time is also sometimes 12 to 14 hours.
Apart from this, helping in running the trains continuously in high-temperature, not having even basic facilities like washroom.
Handling such small-small issues and working continuously while keeping patience, alert and active, It is all the duty of Assistant loco pilot & loco pilot. That is, one has to be very careful.
After knowing the challenges of Assistant Loco Pilot Job, now let's talk about what are the benefits of this job.
Benefits Of Becoming a Loco Pilot.
If you want to become a loco pilot, then you should know what benefits you will get becoming a loco pilot. So let's know.
The Assistant loco Pilot and his family are given free medical facility in the railway hospital.
Assistant pilot and his family get Privilege passes to travel. In which long distances can also be traveled.
The Assistant Loco Pilot also receives an annual tuition fee for their children studying in school.
And if the child is more than 50 km away from the assistant pilot's job area i.e. if live in hostels, then hostel subsidy is also given for this.
Every year there is an increase of 3% in salary. And (DA) i.e. Dearness Allowance is also given twice a year.
Special holidays are also provided for being active in sports. So there are many benefits too.
After seeing the dark and bright side of the job of Assistant Loco Pilot, now let’s know what to do to become an Assistant Loco Pilot?
How to Become a Loco Pilot?
The first thing is educational qualification.
1. Educational Qualification.
To become an assistant pilot, a candidate must pass 10th. Apart from this, it is also necessary to clear an ITI or a diploma in one of the subjects in mechanical, electrical or automobile engineering.
And the institute from which this diploma should be done should be recognized by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education).
So whenever you take admission in a college, you must keep this in mind.
2. Age Limit.
The age limit for becoming an Assistant Loco Pilot is from 18 to 28 years old and here reserved categories are exempted from this.
And if we talk, which process is necessary to apply for the Assistant Loco Pilot exam.
So the notification related to Assistant Loco Pilot comes out from RRB i.e. (Railway Recruitment Board). In which, you can apply for this exam by filling the application form.
These forms can be filled online, for which you have to complete the steps like filling the online registration application form and uploading the documents.
Exams to Become a Loco Pilot.
Now let's talk about the exam’s for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot and what are the steps?
- Computer Based Test (CBT 1)
- (CBT 2) Computer Based Test.
- Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)
- Document verification.
Here, there is a negative marking in both the level of (CBT) exams i.e (CBT 1 and CBT 2).
And after clearing both the test (CBT 1) and (CBT 2) now the candidate is eligible to appear for (CBAT) test.
Only after clearing (CBAT) test the document verification of the candidate will be done, So here keep these steps in mind.
Loco Pilot Salary?
Well, if we talk about salary, then Assistant Pilot gets a salary of around 20,000₹ per month.
Apart from this, a lot of allowances like DA i.e (Dearness Allowance) and HRA (House Rent Allowance) are also given.
And when the experience increases, your salary becomes 55 to 60,000 per month when you become a Senior Pilot.
It sounds pretty good when you listen to salary, but yes, for that you have to move step by step.
So from now you know about the journey from assistant loco pilot to loco pilot.
So if you like this job which is surrounded by a lot of benefits and some challenges, then make a fierce decision and clear the exam and get this post.
But one thing that you must always remember is that this job is full of responsibility.
Because every day you have to safely reach all the passengers from your train to the station. Therefore, you should have patience.
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